Our brands

  • Ecol-Unicon manufactures, sells and implements a wide range of water protection devices and facilities. It deals with the maintenance and operation of storm drain, sanitary and sewer systems, using the Bumerang intelligent management system. It represents the most recognized brand in the water management and sewage treatment industry.


    Ecol-Unicon’s goal is not only the pursuit of interests – it is the Art of Water Protection.

  • RETENCJAPLis a response to social and industry needs in the use of retention. The company, initiated an interactive portal for the exchange of practices and experiences, turn into a provider of comprehensive solutions, services on the product market, and consulting services.


    RETENCJAPL company includes people for whom water is one of the most valuable ingredients. RETENCJAPL is the creator of the Polish Atlas of Raindall Intesity (PANDa) and the organizer of the cyclic conference of Stormwater Poland.

  • BIOPRO provides consulting and design services in the field of proprietary solutions for the sanitary industry. The company implements projects related to wastewater treatment, water management, reclamation of water reservoirs, air purification and assessment of the state of the natural environment.


    BIOPRO cooperates with the best experts and practitioners in Poland in the field of biological wastewater treatment and neutralization of odors and toxic substances. The company offers a comprehensive offer in the field of research, analysis, conception, design and implementation.

  • The Dankan company has been on the market since 1994. It provides services of rainwater systems, the implementation of permanent and ad hoc orders – cleaning and rinsing of pipelines, tanks, settling tanks, pumping stations, sludge suction, providing open drainage systems and pipeline systems with a TV camera.

  • fundacja

    Awareness is the beginning of caring for our world, an impulse to change
    The climate crisis is not a problem to put off for the future. Every year, we use much more environmental resources than nature can rebuild. Only universal care for the environment is a guarantee that the development of Poland and Europe will be sustainable. Nature is our treasure, and its diversity guarantees health and development. Green transformation requires continuous and effective education and practical action.

    Business for Climate Foundation was established by the funder Wojciech Falkowski on September 15, 2021. The overarching goal of foundation is to integrate the world of business, science and all enthusiasts who, like us, believe that without real action here and now we will not be able to sustain climate change, and future generations will pay the price of our omissions.

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